C.H.I. Services
Ear Candling - A hollow candle-shaped cone is partially inserted into the ear canal, while the other end is lit on fire, which creates a gentle vacuum effect that may help to remove excess ear wax and mucus from the ears. In-person sessions are available by appointment.
For additional information or to schedule a session phone (202) 469-0264
Blood Pressure Checks - A blood pressure reading done on a wrist-cuff machine, which may include a brief discussion about what the numbers may indicate about your state of health and simple techniques that may bring about better balance (if needed). In-person sessions are available by appointment. For additional information or to schedule a session phone (202) 469-0264
H.E.A.R.T. Touch Therapy - H.E.A.R.T. is an acronym for Holistic Energetic Acussage Reiki and Tapping and H.E.A.R.T. Therapy is a healing session that combines 7 different yet complimentary healing modalities into one session to lighten the heart from the heaviness of the emotions through touch... Acupressure and Massage (Acussage), Reiki, Tapping, Meditation, Aroma Therapy and Music Therapy... Sessions are approximately 45 minutes and here is a video to explain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eny4O0GpXqc&t=9s. For additional information or to schedule a session click here.