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C.H.I. Services



Wholistic Wellness Support Consultations - Assistance with addressing known health concern(s) from a holistic and natural standpoint, incorporating lifestyle shifts, herbal and supplemental support.  In-person (local to DC metro area), phone, and online meeting options available by appointment. For additional information or to schedule a session phone (202) 469-0264


Wholistic Wellness Assessments - An evaluation of one's state of health, to include multiple physical examinations plus a urine and saliva pH analysis.  An explanation of the results and a wholistic wellness support consultation follows the examination.  This is offered in-person only (local to the DC metro area) by appointment.  For additional information or to schedule a session phone (202) 469-0264


Meal Planning Support - This offers suggestions and support for those who are looking to change to healthier and plant-based eating habits, but who may not be sure what to eat, how to prepare foods well, or how to put good meals together in a practical way.  In-person (local to the DC metro area), phone, and online options available by appointment.  For additional information or to schedule a session phone (202) 469-0264


Metu Neter Oracle Readings - Gain insight into the energies governing the major decisions and extreme circumstances in your life by consulting Tehuti, the Omniscience of God, using an Ancient Divination system based on the Kemetic Tree of Life.  For additional information or to schedule a session click here.

Spirit Coaching - Private sessions designed to bring clarity and meaning to one's life by assisting with perceiving our experiences from a Spiritual perspective using our knowledge and understanding of Spirit and the 7 Spiritual Laws. For additional information or to schedule a session click here.




Wholistic Health Education Classes/Workshops 

on one of various health topics - including, but not limited to:

  • Diabetes & Blood Sugar Balance

  • Blood Pressure Balance

  • Men's Health

  • Respiratory Health

  • Sickle Cell Support

  • Immune System Support

  • Pain & Inflammation Reduction

For additional information or to schedule a session phone (202) 469-0264

Herbal Education & Training Workshops - Workshop(s) designed to better familiarize participants with working with herbs for health supportive purposes.  May be offered as individual classes/workshops on one of various topics, with online or in-person options available; or may be offered as a weekly in-person training series of workshops/classes.  For additional information or to schedule a session phone (202) 469-0264


Herb Walks - Learn how to identify herbs growing wild in our environment, and about some of the traditional uses and benefits they may have.  Group or private in-person sessions are available by appointment, and are best done in the spring and summer seasons.  For additional information or to schedule a session phone (202) 469-0264


African Drumming Classes - Hands-on workshops exploring the cultural tradition(s) of African drumming, which may include history, cultural information, drumming sound techniques, and traditional rhythms & songs from the African continent and/or diaspora.  Typically offered as in-person group settings, but private in-person class options are also available by appointment.  For additional information or to schedule a session phone (202) 469-0264


Drum Circle Workshops - Hands-on drumming workshops that are guided, but more free-form, which offer a fun and therapeutic approach and experience to drumming in accord as a group.  In-person group sessions are available by appointment.  For additional information or to schedule a session phone (202) 469-0264






Ear Candling - A hollow candle-shaped cone is partially inserted into the ear canal, while the other end is lit on fire, which creates a gentle vacuum effect that may help to remove excess ear wax and mucus from the ears.  In-person sessions are available by appointment.  

For additional information or to schedule a session phone (202) 469-0264


Blood Pressure Checks - A blood pressure reading done on a wrist-cuff machine, which may include a brief discussion about what the numbers may indicate about your state of health and simple techniques that may bring about better balance (if needed).  In-person sessions are available by appointment.  For additional information or to schedule a session phone (202) 469-0264

H.E.A.R.T. Touch TherapyH.E.A.R.T. is an acronym for Holistic Energetic Acussage Reiki and Tapping and H.E.A.R.T. Therapy is a healing session that combines 7 different yet complimentary healing modalities into one session to lighten the heart from the heaviness of the emotions through touch... Acupressure and Massage (Acussage), Reiki, Tapping, Meditation, Aroma Therapy and Music Therapy... Sessions are approximately 45 minutes and here is a video to explain:  For additional information or to schedule a session click here.

© 2018 by IAMIT

Created with Love by Danni McGhee

​​Call us:

(202) 505-8339

​Find us: 

2415 32nd Street, Southeast

Washington, District of Columbia


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